Jacob is unbelievably professional on every level.

Making the decision to sell a business can be a daunting exercise in its own right, i.e., what is my business worth, How will I market the business, What vehicles will I use to achieve the best outcome, Who and what is my market, How do I distinguish between a legitimate buyer and tyre kickers (whom there will be an overabundance of), What details do I need to provide, How do I protect the integrity of my business during this process and so on? For a fleeting moment, we thought that marrying our business up with a suitable buyer was something within our capability. If only it was that simple. We then decided to seek out a Broker/Agent who would partner with us to achieve our goal of selling our business. A specialist whom would possess; an intimate understanding of our industry had a track record of selling similar businesses had a clear understanding of how to effectively promote our business, (in collaboration with us)set a fair asking price that would create both buyer interest and meet an outcome that would satisfy our expectations and importantly, be empathetic and possess exceptional listening skills After considerable research, we found such a specialist who met our brief perfectly; Jacob Reeson (Service Station Specialist) from Benchmark Business. Our decision to engage Jacob was quickly credentialed during our 1st ‘Face to Face’ meeting. Jacob is unbelievably professional on every level. Jacob’s plan of how we could achieve a favourable outcome was highly detailed, well thought out and above all collaborative. From the outset, we had a roadmap of how the process would unfold. Thanks to Jacob’s tenacity, knowledge and focus he was able to engage a number of interested parties which resulted in a contract and eventual sale, achieving a sale price reflective of the business value. Jacob continued to manage the process right through to settlement. He was present at the site during settlement to ensure the handover was seamless. Benchmark Business and Jacob Reeson are representative of a well-oiled, highly ethical and professional operation. I would most definitely recommend to any person or organisation considering selling their business to give Benchmark Business a call.

Jeff and Elaine Martin
John Kasapi
Business Broker